Online documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5 |
This document describes the include structure of the meta templates that are a crucial part of the generation of your final templates to be used by the page generator.
Each of these meta templates supports the special replacement markers as described here.
Call structure when processing Meta Templates
This structure displays each available meta template and how you are able to include these into each other. Each meta template reflects an element in the XML document created by the _CreateTemplate function from your model.
It all starts at the top with the Main meta template which then will include any of the meta templates scoped to it. Each meta template is described below in detail.
A note on the coloring of the structure. The top meta templates and meta templates that are only used once in the structure is grey the other colors depict meta templates that are reused throughout the structure. Especially the FieldValues meta template (Orange) is reused in multiple places.
Each of the meta templates will read data for a specific element in the XML document - and call any child meta templates specified by a %INCLUDE maker. Note that each meta template can contain several %INCLUDE markers specifying the same child page but with different meta templates.
Meta template name | MAIN |
Meta template type | Detail page only |
Current XML element | Page |
When the template generator is called it will search for any occurrences of the meta template in the meta template folder specified and then create a final template for each of these MAIN meta template replacing the MAIN with the implementation name of the PageGenerator.
E.g. MAIN.js will become myImplName.js and MAIN.htm will become myImplName.htm
Always remember that the starting point of any template generation is the MAIN meta template.
During the processing of the MAIN meta template information about the Page element from the XML document is easily accessible as this is the current element for the MAIN meta template.
The MAIN meta templates points to the Page element of the XML document in the details region of the meta template
The following examples shows how to obtain values from the Page element in the MAIN meta template
In the Main meta template you are able to include the following meta templates.
Meta template name | CHILDPAGES |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Region element (with attribute named
plex_name equal WsyDetails) Grid element is the ChildPage element being processed |
The ChildPages meta template enables you to iterate over any available child pages defined for the page. The current element for the detail region (outside the <!--/(GRID--> marker) is the Region element of the XML document where the attribute plex_name equals WsyDetails. The current element for the grid element (inside the <!-/(GRID)--> marker is the current ChildPage element being processed.
Current element for detail region is the Region element with attribute plex_name equal WsyDetails and for the grid region it is the ChildPage element for each available child.
Meta template name | GRIDFIELDS |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Region element (with attribute named
plex_name equal WsyGrid) Grid element is the Field element being processed |
This meta template enables you to read all the field elements that are scoped by the WsyGrid region of the XML document. The retrieved data is used to populate the grid of the page.
Current element for the detail region is the Region element with attribute plex_name equal WsyGrid and for the grid region it is the Field element for each available Field.
Meta template name | FIELD |
Meta template type | Detail only |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Field element being processed. |
Included in | GridFields, DetailFields |
The field meta template can be included in either of the GridFields or DetailFields meta templates. It enables you to process a specific field from within the grid region of its parent meta template. Where in this case the parent meta template is either the GridFields meta template or the DetailFields meta template.
The following picture shows two possible locations of detail elements handled by the Field PageGenerator)
The current element is the Field being processed as linked by the parent in which the Field meta template is included
Meta template name | FIELDVALUES |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Values element scoped to the Field
element Grid element is the current value being processed in the grid. |
Included in | GridFields,Field,EventFields,EventField,DetailFields |
The FieldValues meta template will iterate through all available values.
Current element for the detail region is the Values element and for the grid region it is the Value element.
Meta template name | DETAILEVENTS |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Region element with attribute plex_name
euqaul to WsyDetails Grid element is the current Event element being processed |
Included in | Main |
This meta template iterates all Event elements in the WsyDetails region and uses them to populate the grid.
Current detail element is the Region element with plex_name equal to WsyDetails and the current grid element is the Event element being processed.
Meta template name | DETAILEVENT |
Meta template type | Detail only |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Event element being processed. |
Included in | DetailEvents |
This meta template reads information for one specific Event element. This event will be scoped by the WsyDetails region.
Current element is the actual Event element as set by the meta template parent
Meta template name | EVENTFIELDS |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Event being processed Grid element is the actual Field of the Event being processed |
Included in | DetailEvent, GridEvent |
This meta template iterates through all the Field elements scoped by a specific Event element and uses them to populate the grid.
Current detail element is the Event and the current grid element is the Field being processed
Meta template name | EVENTFIELD |
Meta template type | Detail only |
Current XML element | Detail event is the Field element being processed by the meta template parent EventFields |
Included in | EventFields |
This meta template reads all information about a specific Field element that is scoped by an Event element.
Current element is the Field element being processed by the meta template parent EventFields
Meta template name | GRIDEVENTS |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Region element with attribute plex_name
euqaul to WsyGrid Grid element is the current Event element being processed |
Included in | Main |
This meta template iterates the Event elements in the WsyGrid region and uses them to populate the grid.
Current detail element is the Region element where WsyGrid is the value of attribute plex_name and the current grid element is the actual Event being processed.
Meta template name | GRIDEVENT |
Meta template type | Detail only |
Current XML element | Current element is the Event being processed by the meta template parent GridEvents |
Included in | GridEvents |
This meta template reads all information about a specific Event element in the WsyGrid region.
Current element is the Event element being processed by the parent meta template GridEvents
Meta template name | DETAILFIELDS |
Meta template type | Detail and Grid page |
Current XML element | Detail element is the Region element with attribute plex_name
equal to WsyDetails Grid element is the current Field element being processed |
Included in | Main |
This meta template iterates all the Field elements in the WsyGrid region and uses them to populate the grid.
Current detail element is the Region element where value of attribute plex_name is WsyDetails and the current grid element is the Field being processed.